Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Closure Ft Kyle & Maddie



You Spend Your Nights Alone
You Cry Yourself To Sleep Because You Feel Let Down.

You Hate Being Left Out
But You Hate It More When You Have To See That Someone Come Around.

You Say You Want That Closure
But Than Again
You Are Just Unsure
If Letting Go Is The Answer.

You Spend Your Days With Friends
You Laugh And Smile Because You Don't Want People To Know The Truth
You Say You Want That Closure
But Than Again You Don't Want Anymore Exposure And Get Questioned On Things You Rather Not Answer.

The Abuse
The Feeling Of Being Used
It's Taken It's Toll On You.

The Whole Moving On Thing
It's Past Due
You Ponder On What To Do
You Wonder What Can You Possibly Do?
You Ponder Some More
You Say You Want That Closure
But You Can't Truly Figure Out What For.

This Constant Feeling Isn't Healthy And You Know It
This Constant In Between You Find Yourself In
Isn't Working
And It's Taking You Longer To Start The Heeling Processes
You Are Frustrated
And It Shows In Your Progress.

Promises You Wish You Didn't Hear
A Wall Was Built And Lately You Just Don't Care
Sorry's You Know They Didn't Mean
You Are Getting Better
But That Closure Still Hasn't Been Seen.

It's Three In The Morning
You Have School In The Morning
Your Exhausted
Your Stressed
You Want To Text Your Significant Other
But Your Thoughts Are A Mess
You Want To Text Your Ex
But You Know They Could Careless About Whatever It Is You Need To Let Out And Un-Clutter.

You Want To Sleep
But You Know It Won't Make You Feel Any Better
You Know It'll Only Cause You To Dream And Reminisce
Just For You To Wake Up And Feel Regret
You Want To Forget But Can't
You Just Can't.

Your Having A Hard Time Finding That Closure
That's Understandable
Would You Feel Any Relief If I Told You I've Been Searching For Closure A Lot Longer.

I've Had Trouble Too
I Recently Just Accepted To Let Things Go As They Should.

I Recently Just Accepted To Leave Things As Is
Instead Of How They Stood.

Just Stay Focused
Keep Moving Forward
Have An Open Mind.

Closure May Be Hard To Find
But The Day Will Come When Things Will Be Fine.


Where do i even begin?
This is a concept that I'm not familiar with
everything has just seemed to come to an abrupt end.
Is closure actually something we need?
Maybe, maybe not.
closure does have its ups and downs.
closure is something that needs to happen quickly,
at least in my eyes.
If you take too long to seek out closure
it's like ripping open an old wound,

just to let it heal again.

Why would you want to do that?
Even though i'm not one who enjoys walking down memory lane or opening those healed wounds,
there are a few people that I wish i had closure with.

My first love.

The relationship that ended so horribly

that i haven't spoken to him since.

Closure would have helped.
It would have sped up the healing process of my broken heart.

But even then,

maybe it ended like it should.


No more communication.
No more contact.

Maybe that was the best way to let the wound heal.
If i could just speak to you.
If you would just let me in for two seconds,
i could find the closure i have been looking for.
The closure that i long for.
But you wouldn't do that.
would you?

A death.
A family member.
One day we were arguing like always,
the next,
given a matter of days to live.
I never realized how much you meant to me until those final days.
How could i be so oblivious.
How could I not realize how much i loved you until you were face to face with death?
I hate myself for it.
I hate myself for not making every day with you count.
If only i could see you again.
To hold you in my arms and tell you how much you mean to me.
I never even got to say goodbye.

I never got to tell you that i loved you,
that you meant the world to me,
even if we fought every day.
And just like that,

you were gone.
It kills me knowing that I will never see you again.
It kills me that all you are is a memory.
I'm so sorry.

I may not be good with closure.
I may have never experienced it.
Maybe this was my method of closure.

Maybe this is how I can obtain closure with all of my scars.
The bad relationships.

The losses.
The things that leave my heart one big open wound.
What would i do if i had the chance to get the closure i so long for?
Would i take the opportunity?
or would i just move on like I have been?
those questions linger in my head on a daily basis
What would you do?



Closure is something I thought I could live without.

But closure is something that Kyle has really made me think about.

It has been brought to my attention that closure is the only way to move on.

But this type of thing scares me.

It's like I'm putting an end to something I've loved for so long.

I used to not want closure,

At least not in this sense.

I always left everything unfinished,

As if I was waiting for a perfect ending.

I've always known that my perfect ending would never come.

And that's what this is all about.

This is me publicly stating all of the things I will have to live without.

The first thing that comes to mind,

And the only thing that really matters,

Is my ex-everything, Franchesca

I say that because Chessie really was my everything.

My friend, my lover, my absolute significant other.

It still hurts to hear your name,

And to speak it? I wouldn't dare.

Thinking about her tears me apart inside.

You can see it in my eyes whenever the thought of her comes to mind.

I become completely disconnected.

I space out and just think.

I think about the years we spent together.

Well, it's not we anymore.

I lost you a long time ago.

Our paths will never cross again.

I hate the way everything ended between us.

It left us both physically and emotionally scarred.

The cuts on my arm make thinking of you especially hard.

I almost gave up my future because of something in my past.

It might sound foolish to someone that doesn't understand.

But losing everything that matter most can lead you down a scary path.

Closure isn't something that people like me ever get to experience.

I guess I'll live one second at a time, forever in suspense.

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